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November 18, 2022

Marija Accardo In Memory of Goldie Babic

S John Allen In Memory of Sandy Allen & Chris Evans

Margo Alli In Memory of Kala Inniss

Brian Anthony In Memory of Rosemary Anthony

John Arciuch In Memory of Evangeline Leach

E Lenore Armstrong In Memory of Charles Armstrong

Stephanie Axworthy In Memory of Bev Axworthy

Diane Azzopardi In Memory of Jacqueline Zarafa

Paul Bacci In Memory of MaryLou Bacci

Lynne Marie Baldeo In Memory of Alfred Baldeo

Francesca Balenzano In Memory of Sebastiano Balenzano

Emily Balla In Memory of Dan Winters

Nancy Balla – Winters In Memory of Dan Winters

Lillian Barrett In Memory of Bonnie, Heather & Lisa

Stephanie Barrett In Memory of Susan Richards

Bax Investments Ltd – Cynthia Baxter In Memory of Lorna Bethell

Sharyn Beattie In Memory of Wayne Beattie

Brian Beveridge In Memory of Reg Beveridge

Brian Bird In Memory of Deborah Cameron-Bird

Elizabeth & Dr Stuart Birnie In Memory of Leslie Duffy, Lorna & Tony Bethell

Maty & Craig Bishop In Memory of Judy May Allen

Marlene & John Bloomfield In Memory of Ross Howe

Anita & Tim Bolan In Memory of Evelyn Wood

Susan Bousfield In Memory of Jessica Susan Catherine Coupland

Chris & Diane Boyd In Memory of Stephen BoydMatt Jones, Norma Kearney        & Robert Kearney

Noreen Brigden In Memory of Stephen Brigden

Marilia Brown In Memory of Kimberly Flavell

Gillian Browne In Memory of Violet Abercombie & Jane Mathers

Franca Bruni In Memory of Maria Gallo

Janet Bumstead In Memory of Karen Gerow

Charles Burgess In Memory of Eugene LaRose

Valorie Burke In Memory of Viola Brown

Barbara Burton In Memory of Sharon Hatton

Ranka Cabraja In Memory of Branko Cabraja

Stanley & Deborah Cameron In Memory of Donna deBoer, Cameron Mackey & Fred Kolb

Laura Campanella In Memory of June Hawkes

Andrea Campbell In Memory of Lynval Campbell

Can Mex Wholesale Flowers In Memory of Anka Grubisic

Canada Cartage In Memory of Mitzee Tanner

Hilda Cartwright In Memory of John Cartwright

Maria Ceci In Memory of Ferdinando Ceci

Monika Chabot & Peit Pouw In Memory of Leo Norman

Bonnie & James Charter In Memory of Eve Pellett

Hardeep Chohan In Memory of Balwinder Chohan

James Christian In Memory of Donna Christian

Diana Christie In Memory of Michael O’Connell

Catherine Cirone In Memory of Ray Cirone

Albinas Cizikas In Memory of Heather Susan Cizikas

Mark & Cynthia Clark In Memory of Kimberly Flavell

Laurie Clarke In Memory of Carolyn Clarke

Eileen Collie In Memory of James Collie

Rebecca & Ed Cooney In Memory of Frank Cox

Maureen Couse In Memory of Yves Drouin

Susan & Ronald Creighton In Memory of Al Ballam

Jules Cunning In Memory of Darlene Cain

Nora Curia In Memory of Diego Lee Barna

Gordon Currie In Memory of Daphne Currie, Susan Scott & Frances O’Brien

Audrey Dales In Memory of Marie & Edward O’Gorman

Janice Daly In Memory of Ron Kedney

Odette Dalziel In Memory of Thomas Dalziel

Twila & Jim Davenport In Memory of Jake Haines

Debbie & Glen Davis In Memory of Joe Van Tichelen, Joan Davis & Bob Davis

Lynda DeFoa In Memory of Bruce DeFoa

Lauren & Diego Della Mattia In Memory of Peter, Florence, Gertrude, Sandra      & Helen

Lucinda Dennis In Memory of Tony Mursic

Chantal Desjardins & Claude Laferriere In Memory of Simone Desjardins

Chiranjiv Devgun In Memory of Ved Prakash

Helen E Devins In Memory of John Devins

Margaret Devins – Rahn In Memory of John Devins

Ursula & Peter Dittmar In Memory of Trudy Montag

Lynn & Peter Dobson In Memory of Jim Taylor

Sarah Doughty In Memory of John Pops Doughty

Louise Duffy In Memory of Beatrice Duffy, Leslie Duffy & Bill Esterhuizen

Barbara Dunn In Memory of John David Dunn

Helen & Norman Dunstan In Memory of Neil Buchanan

Loretta Durat In Memory of Brian F Lawrence

Ron Eagles In Memory of Marilyn Eagles

Catherine Earle In Memory of Linda Delill & John Devins

Karolj & Valerija Edelenji In Memory of Paul Janza

Anne Elliott In Memory of Gord Elliott

Sandra Esty In Memory of Sharon Sulston

Cheryl Everett In Memory of Jan Everett

Sam & Enza Falzone – Vestacon Ltd In Memory of Domenico Sinaguglia

Lee, Lisa, Arianna & Noah Barbosa In Memory of Kimberly Flavell

Darlene Farrow In Memory of John Bot

Dave Farrow In Memory of Claire Farrow

Gary Farrow In Memory of Claire Farrow

Gregory & Rebecca Ferguson In Memory of Glen Collins

Eleni Fernandez In Memory of Trevor Fernandez

Theresa Ferrari In Memory of Renato Ferrari

April Ferri In Memory of Ada McNulty

Barbara & Alan Flavell In Memory of Kimberly Flavell

Stephen Flavell In Memory of Kimberly Flavell

Patricia & Leonard Foley In Memory of Grace MacDonald

Jenn & Drew Fontaine In Memory of Chris & Linda Kent

Beryl Ford In Memory of Clive Ford

Anne Formosa In Memory of Norma Heaton

Silvano Francesconi In Memory of Nives Francesconi

Alan Frittenburg In Memory of Ellen Frittenburg

Susan Fulcher In Memory of Peter Van Harmelen

Susan Fyfe In Memory of Lawrence Fyfe

Saverio & Domenica Gallo In Memory of Enrico, Giuseppina & Elsa DiCarlo,  Maria & Giuseppe Gallo

Joanne Gardner In Memory of Bob Gardner

Christine Gedge In Memory of Margaret Gott

Orville F Getz In Memory of Nancy Felhaber

Gayle Harrison Gilpin In Memory of Norma Harrison

Joyce Goddard In Memory of Louis Goddard

Simon Gomes In Memory of Louisa Gomes

Kimberly Graber In Memory of Bunny Chalk

Richard & Vera Grabowski In Memory of Grace Begeja & Margaret Irwin

Jeanne Gray In Memory of Marilyn Lamson

Emma Gut In Memory of Darlene Cain & Sister Ann

Miriam Haan In Memory of Ann De Zoeten, Frances & Ralph Mulder

Monika Hamberg In Memory of Roger Hamberg

Karen Hamilton In Memory of Eddy Welsh

Nicole Hand & Jason Currie In Memory of Edwin & Dorothy Ryder

Manuela Hannah In Memory of Patricia Lough

Sharon Hardy In Memory of Marilyn Lamson

Terence Harrison In Memory of Norma Harrison

Mary & Ian Held In Memory of Catherine Bruce

Arthur Hilario & Family In Memory of Fernanda Maria Hilario

Monique Hind In Memory of Art Hind

Charles Hooker In Memory of Cynthia Hooker

Adrian Horwood In Memory of Janice Simpson

Lisa & Steve Howard In Memory of Patricia Loughnan

Birgit Hulme In Memory of Helmut Link

Gerald Gibson & Virginia Hume In Memory of Kim Hume

Marilyn & Harold Oscar Hunt In Memory of Dawna Hunt

Sheryl Hunt & Don Piggott In Memory of Robynne Hunt

Beverly Hunter In Memory of William Roy Hunter

Karen Ives In Memory of Robert Ives & Suzanne Voteary

Warren & Jean James In Memory of Helen & Archie Whyte

Jean James-Hipson In Memory of Gregory DeReske & Blanche Gallagher

Jelson Wildlife Control – John Ellis In Memory of Pat Raines

Michele & Ken Keeler In Memory of Oma Frieda Hofer

Shekhar Kalia In Memory of Parkash Rani

Betty Keating In Memory of Cecil Sylvester Keating

Rosalind Kentish In Memory of John Mason

John & Donna Kerfoot In Memory of Paul Kerfoot

Nancy Kiaer In Memory of Annie Kiaer, Rolf Kiaer, Christina Myles, Robert Myles & Chris Kiaer

Ann Kirk In Memory of Michael Kirk

Bonnie & Doug Klaassen In Memory of Walter Klaasen, Judith Epp Klaassen, Henry Klaassen, Leona Weins, Jacob Weins & Margaret Weins

Larry Klar In Memory of Marcia Reid

Pat Kolb In Memory of Fred Kolb, Donna deBoer, Evelyn Jones, Sharon Jones, Paul Olsen, Gord Farndon, Anne Gibson & Paul Egan

Joanne Kurucz In Memory of Dave Craughwell

Beverley Kyro In Memory of Dale Matheson

Carol Lahey In Memory of Gail Hiscock

Ina Laing In Memory of Annie Wyllie

Robert & Betty Large In Memory of Madeline, Gordon & Roy Hunter,                  Vic & Jean Large

John Lawrie In Memory of Jeanette Lawrie

Lea – Anne Leavens In Memory of Terri Leavens

Kathy Lewis In Memory of Shari Durkin

Gavin Liddle In Memory of Hayley Thomas

Jane Lindsay In Memory of Gerry Lindsay

George Lockett In Memory of Florence Fitzgerald

Donna Marie Logan In Memory of Sharon Sulston

Shirley Long In Memory of Carol Reso

John William Loxley In Memory of Patricia Ann Craig

Heather Lukanuk In Memory of Hope Knight

Anne Luttrell In Memory of Carl Luttrell

Shirley Lyons In Memory of John Lyons

Dave & Wendy MacDonald In Memory of Heather Morton

Marian MacFarlane In Memory of Lorna Bethell

Judy Mackey In Memory of Donna DeBoer& Fred Kolb

Catherine Macksey In Memory of Suzanne Voteary & Kenneth Macksey

Joanne Macksey In Memory of Suzanne Voteary, Robert Ives, Elaine & Binnie Sturgeon, Vicki Veale, Gerry Reid, Ken Macksey, Ness Craig & Lynne Dole

Judy MacNeil In Memory of Dwayne MacNeil

Jennifer & Robert Malcolm In Memory of Sheila Meadows, Wolfgang Fitzner       & Julie Pigat

Linda Malcolm In Memory of Chris Malcolm

Robert & Sally Mansbridge In Memory of Dermot & Moyra Marrable,          Wendy & Jim Chase

Donald & Anne Marion In Memory of Don Woods

Carolyn Martin In Memory of Carl & Florence Martin

Eric Martin In Memory of William Lloyd Martin

Karen Martin-Robbins In Memory of Reese Meyer & Ivan Borg

Helen Mason In Memory of John Mason, May Felix, Chris McCormick, Margaret & Jim Paterson

Heather & Steve Mastine In Memory of Bonnie O’Brien

Evelyn McBride In Memory of Peter Vandenberg

Mary McCrossan In Memory of Ann Skilton

Phillip McEnaney In Memory of Dee

William & Catherine McGarrell In Memory of Graham Williams

Valerie McGiverin In Memory of Lucy Moore

Rita & Randall McGrath In Memory of Elizabeth McGrath

Ann & John McKechnie In Memory of Susan McKechnie

Petra & Jonathan McKittrick In Memory of Lynn McKittrick

William McKittrick In Memory of Sharon Lynn McKittrick

Graham McLeod In Memory of Patricia McLeod

Ian & Judy McMartin In Memory of Ryan McMartin

Richard McMechan In Memory of Maureen McMechan

Casey McNamara In Memory of Dennis McNamara

Kelly McNamara In Memory of Dennis McNamara

Deanndra McNeil-White In Memory of Mark McNeil

Gabriela Medeiros In Memory of Carlos Medeiros

Zulmira Miranda In Memory of Kim Flavell

Michael & Cheryl Moore In Memory of Allan Chard

Craig Morton In Memory of Heather Morton

Fran Morton In Memory of Heather Morton

Nancy & Larry Morton In Memory of Brian Wright

John & Gloria Mould In Memory of Gladys Mould

Trudy Mulder-Hall & Gord Hall In Memory of George Mulder & Froujke Mulder

Marguerite Munro In Memory of Gary Munro, Barry Munro & Wayne Munro

Pushpinder & Mejor Natt In Memory of Shaminder Pannu

Lee, Peter, Nancy, JJ, Mary, Hannah & Calvin In Memory of Philip Neely

Janet Nelson In Memory of Ron Lawrence

New Park Contracting Inc In Memory of James Ted Neish

Michelle Niro In Memory of Elvira Niro, Nick Niro & Michael Birmingham

Timothy Norton In Memory of David Norton

Wendy Noseworthy In Memory of Ronald Kedney

Barbara Nowakowski In Memory of Mark Nowakowski

Carole O’Connell In Memory of Michael O’Connell

Alexandra Ogilvie In Memory of Michelin Morton

Lori & Paul O’Hara-Hoke In Memory of Edwin & Velma MacKay, Grant Denison, Abby Fedesoff & Amelia Canning

Joe & Maria Oosterhof In Memory of Peter

Susan & John Palmer In Memory of Alan Kearney & Rebecca Burke

Terry Palmer In Memory of Kathleen Reid

Barb Pardoe In Memory of Clifford Jr Pardoe

Bernice Parish In Memory of Gordon Parish

Steven & Leith Parish – Rigby In Memory of Gordon Parish, Shirley Rigby,          Tye Rigby, David McLaughlin & Art Moulton

James Patterson In Memory of Raymond B Patterson

Robert & Dinali Paul In Memory of Minoli Paul

Janice L Pearson & Brad J Moore In Memory of All who have gone before us

Steve Peck In Memory of Vera Wawoczny

Linda Pedulla In Memory of Thomas Galick

John Pingyin In Memory of Anne Pingyin

Lovey Pinto In Memory of Marcus Pinto

Beverley Poersch In Memory of Alma Laidlaw

Lynette & Matthew Polsinelli In Memory of Aldo Polsinelli

Judy Powell In Memory of Bill Powell

Kimberley & James Priebe In Memory of Reg Beveridge

Karen Quinlan In Memory of Carol Coles

Ajay Rampersaud In Memory of Sheila Singh

Tara Rampersaud In Memory of Sheila Singh

Allison Reader In Memory of Helmut & Joyce Kaluza

Lisa Reader In Memory of Scott Reader

Frank Reda In Memory of Assunta Reda

Renate Merten & Ben Reis In Memory of Jose Reis, Carlos Reis, Manuel Reis, Frank Reis,Joe Reis, Michael Reis, Bruce Crawford, Adolf Bock & Elfriede Bock

Maria Reis In Memory of Jose Reis, Carlos Reis, Manuel Reis, Frank Reis, Joe Reis, Michael Reis, Bruce Crawford, Adolf Bock & Elfriede Bock

Ann Rempel In Memory of Marilyn Lamson

Evelyn & Robert Rennick In Memory of Bob & Lois Priester

Joseph Ricci In Memory of Deborah Frances Ricci

Sara Ricci In Memory of Vicki Ricci

Nancy Ricketts In Memory of Hugh

Mirtha & Ricardo Rocher In Memory of Ricardo A. Rocher

Jan & Ross Rodgers In Memory of Marg

Elizabeth Rosa In Memory of Niki Sanghera

Brigitte Roth In Memory of Irene Marilyn Lamson

Fredericka Rottare In Memory of Maxine Walkes

Nancy & Steve Rowland In Memory of Evelyn & Frank Sheppard

Ryles Inc In Memory of Paula Nichol

Francisco Sabio In Memory of Victoria Sabio

Audrey Sammut In Memory of Anna Sammut

Robert Sarkisian In Memory of Dorothy Sarkisian

Stephen Satchel In Memory of Marilyn Lamson

Shehara & Jeremy Sato In Memory of Minoli Paul

Tatjana Schomer In Memory of Danica & Nedo Ostojic

Albert Sexton In Memory of Evelyn Wood

Noella Sharp In Memory of Peter Sharp

Carol Shimes In Memory of Barry Shimes & Connie Shimes

Paul Siciliano In Memory of Fiona Elizabeth Siciliano

Ratinder Sidhu In Memory of Pritam Sohata

Silver Carpentry In Memory of Ricardo Rocher

Winston Simpson In Memory of Veret Simpson

Nalinie Singh In Memory of Richard Singh

Richard Skinner In Memory of John David Skinner, Barbara Yule, Michelin Morton, Paula Nichol, & Wilma Skinner

Gillian & William Smillie In Memory of Judith Smillie

Sharon Smith In Memory of Ronald Smith

Helen Marie Smith – Pointer & Bob Pointer In Memory of Fred Twitchin

Trevor Smyth In Memory of Annalise Smyth

Arlene Snider In Memory of Art Snider

Jane Ann Snyder In Memory of Harvey Snyder

Lisa Speirs In Memory of Brad Speirs

Cathy St Clair In Memory of Dale St Clair

Marion & Edward Standish In Memory of David Standish & Glenice Summers

Norma Steckley In Memory of Bill Steckley

Pat Steel In Memory of Margaret Homa

Barbara Stein In Memory of Janice Strain

Bruce Stewart In Memory of Anne Barlow

Bruce Stewart In Memory of Lynn Fearn-Stewart & Leslie Duffy

Elizabeth & Dave Stockley In Memory of Teresa Suliivan

Gavin Stokes In Memory of Patricia Schutte

Barry Stone In Memory of Beth Stone & Eric Stone

Brad & Kelly Stronach In Memory of Debbie Ricci

Diane Sullivan In Memory of Vic Sullivan

Judith & Terry Sullivan In Memory of Gerry Lindsay

Trish & William Symons In Memory of Marilyn Lawson

Helen Szucs In Memory of Alex Szucs

Mary Taus In Memory of Michael DiPaolo

Laura Taylor In Memory of Marilyn Lamson

Cheryl Teeter In Memory of Dorothy Scott

Kathy & John Teune In Memory of Douglas Tennant

Anne & Allan Thompson In Memory of Heather Ann Thompson                               & Margaret Howden

Deborah & John Thompson In Memory of Freda Craig

Margaret D Thompson In Memory of Bill Costator

Huguette Thomson In Memory of Donald Verne Thomson

Klaus & Ulla Tiessen In Memory of Colleen Weatherhead & Ralph Sugg

Susan Tiffin In Memory of Ted, Ilene, Darlene & Baby Hope

Scott Tilley In Memory of Edith Selena Brenneman

Paul & Lynn Tiveron In Memory of Joseph D Tiveron

Thomas Tobin In Memory of Geraldine Brafield

Robert Torrance In Memory of Helen & John Torrance

Traffic Ticket Info Centre Professional Corp In Memory of Maria Monticciolo

Gillian Tullett In Memory of Faith Hoskins

Matthew Tullett In Memory of Faith Hoskins

Margaret Tumilty In Memory of Tom Tumilty

Jean Van Tichelen In Memory of Joe Van Tichelen & Doug Tennant

Gertrude Vandebeek In Memory of Trudy & Randy Panchyson

Renee & Ray Vander Kooy In Memory of Joanne Van Roon

Mary Venusio & Salvatore Ilardo In Memory of Sandra Venusio

Janet Vimba In Memory of Uldis Vimba

Antonella & Vito Violante In Memory of Saveria & Tony Amato

Lynda Voegtle In Memory of John C Voegtle

Linda Walford In Memory of Margret Nancy Walford

Rosemary Walkem In Memory of Marilynn Moakler, Valarie Walkem                     & Michael Boutilier

Thomas Walsh In Memory of Anne Walsh

Lisa Watts In Memory of Ronnie Watts

Theresa Watts In Memory of Ronnie Watts

Penny Webb In Memory of George Lamoureux & Deborah Armstrong

Heather Welner In Memory of Nancy & Bob Welner

Lyn Westfall-Tramble In Memory of Jim Tramble

Audrey Wheeler In Memory of Glenn Wheeler

Donna Wheeler In Memory of Glenn Wheeler

Nadia White In Memory of Tommy O’Keefe

Shirley White In Memory of Mervyn & Wayne

Nancy Whiteford In Memory of Don Gillespie

Wendy Whitwham In Memory of Marilyn Lamson

Carol & Allan Williams In Memory of Miro & Mary Ovas

Holly Witherspoon In Memory of Brenda Fletcher

Walter Wiza & Deborah Egan In Memory of Irma Wiza

Shiting Xing In Memory of Yujin Xing

William Yarranton In Memory of Marion Irene Klassen

Nancy Yates In Memory of John & Norene Turner

Alfred Zerafa In Memory of Jacqueline Zerafa

Gerrit Zwilling & Gayle Karreman In Memory of Hank Lenstra


In Memory of Davan with love from Megan 

In Memory of Les & Jan Wilson with love from Leny, Megan, Roxanne & Barry, and Ashley & Family 

Lee, Lisa, Arianna, & Noah In Memory of Kim Flavell


In Honour of Gifts

Sophia Dinatale In Honour of Kristen Jorge

Jerry & Lyn Hipfner In Honour of Steve

Patricia MacKeracher In Honour of Colleen Weatherseed

Margaret G. MacNaughton In Honour of Kasia Seydegart

David Olden & Erica McNeice In Honour of Lisa Simmons

Steven & Leith Parish – Rigby In Honour of Judy Szakonyi

Robert Pinkney In Honour of Marsha Pinkney

Jennifer Sharp In Honour of Nicole Hand

Victoria Wild In Honour of Marcia Reid



Anonymous In Memory of Brenda

Anonymous In Memory of Ken Bailey

Anonymous In Memory of Violet June Blackie

Anonymous In Memory of Kip Chabot

Anonymous In Memory of Carol Coles

Anonymous In Memory of Art Cuthbert

Anonymous In Memory of Bob Dambrauskas

Anonymous In Memory of Tom Davies

Anonymous In Memory of Lloyd Davis

Anonymous In Memory of John Devins

Anonymous In Memory of Jeanette Denney

Anonymous In Memory of Pag Falvey

Anonymous In Memory of Joe Filosa

Anonymous In Memory of Margaret Gott

Anonymous In Memory of Donald Lang

Anonymous In Memory of Harrry Lostchuck

Anonymous In Memory of  Ray Patterson

Anonymous In Memory of Eve Pellett

Anonymous In Memory of Durga Persaud

Anonymous In Memory of Shanta Ann Persaud

Anonymous In Memory of William Reaman

Anonymous In Memory of Laurie Sanderson

Anonymous In Memory of Edna Silk

Anonymous In Memory of Alice Train

Anonymous In Memory of The Duckworth Family

Anonymous In Memory of Hugh Van Shepen

Anonymous In Memory of Irene Wilkinson

Anonymous In Memory of Norm Wilson

Anonymous In Memory of Jillian Zumach


And All Other Anonymous Donors


Light & Love Supporters

Felicity Alexander 

Rita & Philip Alldrit 

Alton Holdings Inc 

Pamela Angus 

Artel Inc 

Automotive Maintenance

Rose Avarino 

Francesca Baldesarra 

Barb Bamford 

Judith & Paul Barclay 

Arlene Beavers 

George Begley 

Harry & Diane Bell 

Art & Nancy Betts 

Carolyn & Ross Beverley 

Douglas & Judy Biggar 

Wietske Bloem 

Bolton Midtown Developments Inc 

Lorraine Boomhour 

Margaret & Donald Boughen 

James Ross Bowden 

Barbara Bradburn 

Neil & Amy Bradley 

Evert & Hilda Brent 

Maria & Frank Britto 

Ronald & Diane Brown 

Mary Jane Burnett 

Douglas & Patricia Butcher 

Ursula Calderone 

Caledon Building & Design 

Donna Campbell 

Jack & Janice Campbell 

Clare & Betty Jean Carberry 

Mike & Christine Chapman 

Monique Chevassu 

Marlene & Steve Chumak 

Arthur & Danuta Clark 

Jennifer Clarke 

Shirley Clarkson – Grice 

Lynda Clumpus 

Robin Cooke – Wallgren 

Theresa Cormier 

Alice Costerus 

Shelley & Stephen Craig 

Stewart Crampton 

Paula & Robert Crippen 

James Cronin 

Richard Cureton 

Tadeusz Czupryn 

Donalda Dale 

Kathleen & Robert Darrell 

Twila & Jim Davenport 

Margaret & Ted De Sousa 

Susie Desimini 

Christine Devine 

Laurene Devisser 

George Dickson 

Wilfrid Dinnick 

John & Mary Ellen Dodds 

Joan Dottori 

Fern Douglas 

Charles & Jane Douma 

Joan & Gordon Dowdall 

Barbara Downey 

David & Delia Dyke 

Richard Ehrlich & Barb Campbell 

Carmen & Gary Eng 

Lynda & John Erwin 

Reginald G Ewles 

Jim Farmer 

Brian & Leanne Flood 

Ann Ford 

Wanida Foster 

Bill & Lois Frazer 

Rosemary Galbraith 

David & Judy Galloway 

Jean & Robert Gibson 

Brenda Glancey 

Glen The Plumber 

Bonnie Gordon 

Cathy Goudreau 

Margrit Gould 

Martha S Graham 

Laura Jean Graham 

Sylvia Graham 

Grand Valley Lions Club 

Arlene Green 

Diana Greer 

E Anne Griffin 

Monika Gschwendtner 

Gord Gunning 

Brenda Haines 

James & Brenda Hall 

Sarah Haney 

Joan Hannah 

Inger Harbom 

Harmony Whole Foods Market – Orangeville Ltd 

Julia Haugh 

Don & Marilyn Haynes 

Anzinger Heidi 

Sharon Hey-Montgomery 

Carmel & Anne-Marie Hili 

Rose Hostrawser 

Peter Howarth 

Howarth Dentistry Professional Corporation 

Barbara Hunkin 

Darlene Hunt 

Joan Hunter 

Hwy 10 Aggregate 

Kathleen Ingleson 

Inglewood United Church 

Linda Jameson 

Amala Jayatilleke 

Richard Jenner 

Marion & Gord Johnston 

Terry Johnston 

Sylvia Jones & David Gilles 

Gabriela Jorge 

Glen & Sherry Judge 

Alfred & Agnes Julian 

Yik Chong Margaux Kan 

Safia Khalid 

Rolf Kindbom 

Marion Klassen 

Renate Klietsch 

Krilavicius Family Foundation 

Glenda & Dan Labine 

Donna Laevens – VanWest 

Ana & Giovanni Larrauri Rosato 

Linda & David Lees 

Robert Lewis 

LJRobinson Physiotherapy Services Inc 

Alan Lyons 

June MacDonald 

Carol W. MacMurchy 

Linda MacNeill 

Nora Mark & Jack Purchase 

Sheila Martin 

Willliam David Martin 

Chiara & Giovanni Martino 

Andrew Mason 

Sally Mason 

Robert Masutti 

Grecia Mayes – Kendall 

Rosemary McArthur 

Duncan & Patricia McCallum 

Lesley McCrimmon 

Elizabeth & Ronald McCullough 

Jane McDonald 

Christine McGinnis 

Robert & Sheila McHardy 

Mary & Douglas McKeen 

James Metson 

Kathaline & Jeffery Miller 

Susan Mills 

Rolf & Ruth Moeller 

Marisa Montanari 

Elaine Moore 

Patricia Moran 

Peter & Joanne Mulder 

David Munro 

Ljubica Nacinovic 

Amarjeet & Jatinder Nandra 

Cathy & George Newhouse 

Mary Newhouse 

Matt Ng 

Karen Nightingale 

Randolph & Susan Norberg 

Russell & Lynne Norman 

Linda Olson 

Sheila & James Orton 

Slavica Paton 

Joanne Pattison 

Bob Pillar 

Scott Pollard 

Carol Pollock 

Elizabeth & Martin Potterton 

Mary C. Pozniak 

Rebekah Rabe 

Brian Reyniers 

John & Penny Richardson 

Robert & Myrna Richardson 

Jessie Riley 

Joan Rintoul 

Donna Rivada 

Mirtha & Ricardo Rocher 

Brigitte Roth 

Bente & James Rowland 

Linda & David Russell 

James Harvey Rutter 

Gayle & Gary Ruttle 

Christel Sachs 

Eleanor Schraa 

Carol Seglins 

Pearl Self 

Robert Semple 

Libby Senior 

Sesco Design Build Inc 

Pauline Shepperdley 

Barry & Patricia Shields 

Grace Silvis 

Kay Sinclair 

Jane Smith 

Ruth Smith 

Astrid Smits 

Josephina & Cornelis Smits 

David Snell 

Katherine Starr 

Mary Ellen Steed 

Harold Summerville 

Shirley Tait 

Anthony Taylor 

Muriel Taylor 

Teslia Turner Family Foundation 

The Corporation of the Town of Caledon 

Jane & Gordon Thompson 

Larry & Lolita Thompson 

Marie & Peter Thompson 

Nicole Trefzger 

Susan Trudeau 

Milly Tseng 

Peggy Turner 

Kalvinder Virk 

Marie Wade 

Allan, Carolyn & Daniel Wadley 

Rosamund Walton 

Gordon Ward 

Norbert Warnke 

Glen Way 

Cathy Weeks 

Heather Wilkin 

Katharine Williams 

Lynn & Dennis Williamson 

Jeffrey Witcomb 

Rafal Wojcik 

Ann Wood 

Ruth Young 


Event Sponsors

Bartlett Tree Experts Canada Ltd 

Fines Ford Lincoln

Liuna Local 183 

In-Kind Sponsors

Bayshore Broadcasting Group 

FM 101 Orangeville

Mayfield Secondary School – Choir 

Spirit Tree Estate Cidery 

Tim Hortons – Mayfield 

Tin Roof Cafe