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Home » Bethell Hospice Foundation Events » Celebrate Light & Love at Bethell Hospice

Celebrate Light & Love at Bethell Hospice

December 12, 2019

Thank you to the hundreds of friends of Bethell Hospice who gathered in Inglewood on December 12 to light the Bethell Hospice trees in memory of their loved ones.

At the Tree Lighting ceremony, guests participated in a beautiful candlelit procession, led by the Orangeville Show Chorus.  The trees were lit by Dorothy Rankin on behalf of the entire Bethell Hospice care team. Over 450 individuals were remembered with Light & Love gifts, and names of all those honoured were read by Master of Ceremonies, Stan Cameron, and repeated back by guests in communal response.  This year’s Tree Lighting was generously sponsored by Fines Ford Lincoln.

View the 2019 Scroll of Remembrance in the window below. If you would like to download a copy, click on the button below to download a PDF version of the scroll.

Penni Abrams in memory of Theresa Leavens

Marija Accardo in memory of Goldie Babic

Catherine Adair in memory of Susan Richards

Safia Akhtar in memory of Khalid Mahmood

Betty & Robert Allen in memory of Kathleen Allen

John & Heather Allen in memory of Sandy Allen & Chris Evans

Allan & Diane Alls

Margaret Anderson

Pamela Angus

Brian Anthony in memory of Rosemary Anthony

Applewood Forming Inc. in memory of Pasquale Martinis

John Arciuch in memory of Evangeline Leach

George Aungier in memory of Rose Aungier

Gregory Aziz & Irene Reimanis-Aziz in memory of Lorna Bethell

Paul Bacci & Family in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Karleigh Baird in memory of Mareline Baird

Kenneth Baird in memory of Mareline Baird

Stephanie Baird in memory of Mareline Baird

Kimberly Engel Bakhsh in memory of Paul & Linda Engel

Ballinafad United Church Women

Thomas Barber

Lisa, Lee, Arianna & Noah Barbosa
in memory of a wonderful sister, Kimberly Flavell

Rick & Rosalie Barger

Adrienne Barlow in memory of Ann Barlow

Melanie Baron in memory of Ray (Romeo) Cirone

Lindy Barrow in memory of Helen Gardiner & Helen McMinn

Thomas & Sandra Baskerville

Barbara Batley

Bax Investments Ltd.

Bay Electrical Services Inc.

Sharyn Beattie in memory of Wayne Beattie

Dennis & Rita Belavich

Elizabeth Belmonte in memory of Eleni Savvidis

Joel Benevides-Dorkin

Rachel Bennett in memory of John Voegtle

Lucrezia & Steve Bernad in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Beta Sigma Phi, Delta Gamma Master Chapter, Orangeville

Brian Beveridge in memory of Reginald Beveridge

Jutta Bibby in memory of Roger Scott Bibby

W. Douglas & Judy Biggar

Brian Bird in memory of Deborah Cameron-Bird

Stuart & Elizabeth Birnie in memory of Christopher Barron

John & Marlene Black

Blackwater Beverage Co. Inc. o/a Tim Hortons

Denise Blakidis in memory of Jacqueline Smith

Marlene & John Bloomfield in memory of Ross Howe

Anne Boissinot

Anita & Tim Bolan in memory of Evelyn Wood

Josie Borg in memory of Michael Borg

Blanche Boudreau in memory of Adrien Boudreau

Margaret & Donald Boughen

Beverly & Craig Bourke in memory of Josephine Marie Simpson

Susan Bousfield in memory of Jessica Coupland

Neil Boyes in memory of Debbie Boyes

Hugh Bracken

Kirk Brannon in memory of Joan Brannon

John Brans in memory of Jemima Brans

Deborah Breckels in memory of Joseph Morgan

Karen Breitner in memory of Steve Breitner

Evert & Hilda Brent

Ryan Brook in memory of Lucy Leonardelli

Susan Brook in memory of Lucy Leonardelli

Gary Brown

Julie Brown

Charles Burgess in memory of Gene LaRose

Helen Burgess

Robert & Elizabeth Burgoyne in memory of Lucky Presgrave

Paul Burroughs in memory of Patricia Burroughs

Barbara Burton

Douglas Butcher

Carmelle Byrne in memory of my daughter, Michelin Morton

Geraldine Caird in memory of Richard Caird

Caledon Building and Design

Caledon East United Church Women

Stan Cameron in memory of Cameron Mackey

Stan Cameron in memory of Donna DeBoer

Laura Campanella in memory of June Hawkes

Jack & Janice Campbell

Ken & Shirley Campbell in memory of my brother, Michael Campbell

Ermelinda Carreiro in memory of George Ferreira

David Cartwright in memory of Freda Little & David JJ Cartwright

Joanne Casselman in memory of Jackie Casselman

Joanne Casselman in memory of Susan Richards

Alicia Cassidy in memory of Kimberly Flavell

Dave Cauchi in memory of Vivian & Paul Cauchi

Irena Cerrito in memory of my aunt, Nada Zarkovic

Romana Ceschia

Gail Chard in memory of Allan Chard & Barbara Piper

Laura Charette in memory of Isabell Palmer

Anne Chesterton in memory of David Chesterton

Shey Chhibber & L. Chatterjee in memory of
Suresh Chhibber & Ashok Chatterjee

Marion & Edward Christie in memory of Marlene Demytrow

Marlene & Steve Chumak

Earle & Ruth Churchill in memory of Bill Clyde

Cathy Cirone in memory of Romeo Ray Cirone

John & Debra Claridge in memory of Anka

Marni Claridge in memory of Anka Grubisic

Marni Claridge in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Arthur & Danuta Clark

Betty Clark in memory of Douglas Clark

Mark & Cindy Clark in memory of Kimberly Medeiros Flavell

Mary Clarke in memory of Paul Clarke

Shirley Clarkson-Grice

Christina Clemente in memory of Sandra Venusio

Pamela Cohen in memory of Lorne Ebel

Eileen Collie in memory of James Collie

Sandra Collie in memory of Jim Collie

Community Women’s Circle, Caledon East

Sabrina Condarcuri in memory of Cosimo Condarcuri

Betty Connelly in memory of Neil Connelly

Gail Connelly in memory of Neil Connelly

Gail Connelly in memory of Steve Hannington

Valerie Connor in memory of Connie Connor

Kay Cook

Janice Costain

Alice Costerus in memory of Carren Dale Guenther

Lisa Coulman

Nora Coulter in memory of Claude Neil Coulter

Glenda Coupland in memory of Len Coupland

Cheri Cowan in memory of Donald Currie

Hilliard Cox

Steve & Shelley Craig in memory of John Lyons

Nancy Crawford

Bob & Joanne Crease wishing a Merry Christmas to Bill & Bronwyn Clark

Bob & Joanne Crease wishing a Merry Christmas
to Linda & Roger Fritz

The Cressy Family in memory of Beryl Gallagher

Marlene Crew in memory of Bob & Joanne Crew

Paula & Robert Crippen in memory of John Doughty

Cecil Crocker in memory of Alfreda Crocker & Mary Jones

Mary Cuff in memory of Garry Cuff

Alan Cully in memory of John Cully

Lynda Cully in memory of John A. Cully

Julie Cunning in memory of Darlene Cain

Gordon Currie in memory of my sister, Frances O’Brien,
& my sister-in-law, Daphne Currie

Tadeusz Czupryn in memory of Anna Czupryn

Raymond Daigneault in memory of Ralph Tota

Glen & Debbie Davis in memory of Charlotte Joan Davis

Jean Davison in memory of Mary Jean Kralik

Michie de Bruyn in memory of Hatsue Tanaka

John Dean in memory of Linda J. Dean

Lynda DeFoa in memory of Bruce DeFoa

Sarah DeGruchy in memory of Jean deGruchy

Lauren Della Mattia in memory of Luisa, Bruno,
Riley & Loved Ones

Otto Demytrow in memory of Marlene Demytrow

Jessica Denney in memory of Albert Sant

Marilyn Dennis in memory of Don Cockburn

Marj Dennis

The Dew Family in memory of Helen Marie Dew

The Dew Family in memory of Helen Dew

Sally Dewar in memory of Vivian Cauchi

Simrit Dhillon

Cathy & Enzo, Anita & Vince, David & Mary
and the Grandchildren in memory of Gisella Attanasio

Ursula & Peter Dittmar in memory of Gertrud Montag

Isobel Doan in memory of Bill Doan & George Doan

Lynn & Peter Dobson

John & Mary Ellen Dodds

James Dorsey in memory of Sandi Dorsey

Sarah Doughty & Danny Clark in memory of John Doughty

Carmen Draga in memory of Stafanina Draga

Susan Duck in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Louise Duffy in memory of Christine Georgina Rosa

Louise Duffy in memory of Linda Rae Osborne

Margaret & Ron Duncan honouring Joy Messenger

Pam Dunlop in memory of Paul Dunlop

Jocelyn & Robert Dunn in memory of Darlene & David Rennie,
Albert Dunn, Margaret Dunn and Jeremy Suter

Helen & Norman Dunstan in memory of Neil Buchanan

Kay Durkin remembering our beautiful Shari

David & Delia Dyke in memory of Lawrie Silverberg

Ron Eagles in memory of Marilyn Eagles

Catherine Earle

Audrey Eastwood in memory of
Almore & Daisy Standish Eastwood

Carole Edgar in memory of Harry Mays

Colleen Egan honouring Deborah Egan & Walter Wiza

Anne Elliott in memory of Gordon David Elliott

John & Dinah Emery

Raquel Enes & Luis Da Costa in memory of Augusto Enes

Margalith Esterhuizen in memory of my beloved husband,
Bill Esterhuizen

Sandra Esty in memory of Sharron Sulston

Sally Evans in memory of Lorna & Tony Bethell

Cheryl Everett in memory of Jan Everett

Anna Ewen in memory of Richard Caird

Mario & Luciana Facca in memory of Laura J. Facca

Mauro Facca in memory of Laura J. Facca

Fred Farah in memory of Nadia Farah

Audrey Faris in memory of Judith Smillie

Pamela & David Farrow in memory of Lillian Joan Martin

Rick & Susan Farstad in memory of Tamara Farstad

Bernice Fehr

Richard Felix in memory of Florence Felix

Norman Fenton in memory of Margaret Skorupa

Lucy Ferreira

Rosa Ferreira in memory of George Ferreira

April Ferri in memory of Aunt Ada McNulty

Elaina & Darryl Fic in memory of Pat Scarfo

Fiesta Events Inc.

Joan & Walter File in memory of a very special friend,
Gundy Kistemaker

Rochelle Filippetto in memory of Albert LeBlanc

Dave Fillier in memory of Betty Rideout

Fines Ford Lincoln

Dave Finlay in memory of Beryl Finlay

Janet Fisher in memory of Clare Fisher

Barbara & Alan Flavell in memory of Kimberly Medeiros Flavell

Stephen & Anne Marie Flavell in memory of Kimberly Flavell

Brian & Leanne Flood

Theresa Flores in memory of Jorge Flores

Patti & Len Foley in memory of Robert & Irene Foley

Jenn & Drew Fontaine in memory of Chris Kent

Jaden & Bodhi in remembrance of the best papa, Chris Kent

Jordan Fontaine in memory of Chris Kent

Theresa Fontaine in memory of Chris Kent

Foodstuffs Inc.

Darlene Forsyth in memory of Debbie Sullivan

Alice Foster

Silvano Francesconi in memory of Nives Francesconi

Bill & Lois Frazer

Anna Marie Frediani in memory of Paul Frediani

Kathy Freeman in memory of Linda Freeman

Alan Frittenburg in memory of Ellen Frittenburg

Raymond & Edith Frizell

Susan Fulcher in memory of Peter Van Harmelen

Full Line Construction Group Inc.

Maria Furtado in memory of Antonio Ferreira de Sousa

Susan Fyfe in memory of Lawrence Fyfe

Ryan Galick in memory of Thomas Galick

Eleanor Gallagher in memory of Michael Gallagher

Laurie Gallant in memory of Marie Louise Nault (Gallant)

Melissa Gerlica in memory of Richard Gerlica

Jamie Gignac in memory of Helen Gignac

Jeffrey Gignac in memory of Helen Rosemary Gignac

John & Linda Gignac in memory of Helen R Gignac

Leanne Gignac in memory of Helen Gignac

Lee & Alan Gilroy in memory of Ada McNulty

Glen The Plumber with thanks to our Valued Clients

Joyce Goddard in memory of Louis Goddard

Goes Enterprises Inc. in memory of Yasmin Lobo

Glenn Gooderham in memory of Shari Durkin

Barbara Goodhand in memory of Jim Goodhand

Barbara & David Gough in memory of Hayes Gough

Margrit Gould in memory of Helen Gignac

Marion Gould in memory of Brian Franklin Gould

Claire & Dave Gourlie in memory of Violet McCallum

Don Graff in memory of Nancy Jean Graff

Sylvia Graham in memory of Loved Ones

Grand Valley Lions Club in memory of Maurice Richard Nussey

Violet Grant

Helen Greenhill

Donald & Diana Greer

Ron Grieve in memory of Gord Grieve

Dr. Wendy Griffin in memory of Patricia Rose Griffin

Charlotte Griffore in memory of Michael Griffore

Dennis & Lee Ann Grimes in memory of John Voegtle

Alexander Gunn

Margaret & Alan Gurr in memory of Michael Gallagher

Rolf & Emma Gut in memory of Darlene Cain and
a very special sister, Ann

Miriam Haan in memory of Frances Mulder & Anne DeZoeten

Brenda Haines in memory of Jake Haines

Ivana Hamang in memory of Hank Lenstra

Monika Hamberg in memory of Roger Hamberg

Trisha & Patrick Hamilton in memory of Liz Bracken

Trisha & Patrick Hamilton in memory of Ben Vander Byl

Richard & Cecile Hammett in memory of Lorna Bethell

Joan Hannah

Harmony Whole Foods Market (Orangeville) Ltd.

Terence Harrison in memory of Norma Harrison

Michael Haslam in memory of Dale Haslam

Clifton Hatcher in memory of Georgia Hatcher

Marta & Hans Hauri in memory of David Craughwell

Donald & Mary Hawkins

Don & Marilyn Haynes in memory of Les Wilson

Hal Heatherington in memory of Allan Kaake,
Don & Suzanne Richardson and Don Richardson, Jr.

Robert Hebden in memory of Stella Poirier

Jacquelyn Heeney

Holly & Robert Heikkila in memory of Brenda Rose Fletcher

Mary & Ian Held in memory of Catherine Bruce

Lee Held-Jeffries in memory of James Trimble

Jim & Gail Henderson in memory of David Craughwell

Casey Hetman in memory of Lisa M. Hetman

Sharon Hey-Montgomery in memory of Ellen Frittenburg

Carmel & Anne-Marie Hili

Dona Hill in memory of Robert Backstrom

Linda Hill in memory of Gordon Parish

Monique Hind in memory of Art Hind

Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

Judy Holcomb-Williams in memory of Jean Norma Holcomb

David Holwell

Charles Hooker in memory of Cynthia Hooker

Anthony & Elizabeth Hopkins

Shirley Houghton

Lisa & Steve Howard in memory of Pat Loughnan

Mark Huggins in memory of Joan Victoria Huggins

Humber Valley Heritage Trail

Marilyn & Oscar Hunt in memory of Dawna Hunt

Sheri Hunt & Don Piggott in memory of Robynne Sheryl Hunt

Beverly Hunter in memory of Roy Hunter

Maureen Hussett in memory of Marlene Hussett

Huttonville United Church

John & Karyn Hymers in memory of Tom Tumilty

Ianni Cororate Services Inc. in memory of Mary Lou Ianni

Alex Ihnatowycz in memory of Erna Demianiuk

Lila M. Inch in memory of Dennis McNamara

Inglewood United Church

Margaret Inocencio in memory of Seah Yew Khoon

Diane & Harold Irwin

Zeinab Ismail in memory of Akram Ismail

John Ito

Sheila Jack in memory of John Dew

Baldev Jagdev

Dan & Janet Jakubowicz in honour of Bonnie Klaassen

Warren & Jean James in memory of Helen & Archie Whyte

Anne Janza in memory of Paul Janza

Joe Jasinski & Cindy Ward-Jasinski in memory of John Voegtle

Shanil M. & Amala Jayatilleke

Gail Jefferson in memory of Don Nelson

Murray & Mary Jeffrey

Lorna Jenkinson

Eric & Dace Johnson in memory of Marta Cielava

Marion & Gord Johnston

Mary Ann Johnston in memory of Doug Johnston, Don Nelson,
James Johnston, Mac Watson & Tom Neelands

William Johnstone in memory of Rita Johnstone

Dave & Mary Jones

David Jones in memory of Vivian Cauchi

Russell & Maxine Jones

K and K Management Services Inc.
in memory of Marilyn Ethel Dickson

Ron Kaake honouring Alan M. Kaake

Lal Kalia & Paul Kalia in memory of Parveen Kalia

Ruth Karsch in memory of Ron Hood

Betty Keating in memory of Cecil Sylvester Keating

Michele & Ken Keeler in memory of Frieda Oma Hofer

Ina Kennedy in memory of Gladys Mould

Monica Kennedy in memory of Hatsue Tanaka

Linda Kent in memory of Christopher Robert Kent

Michael & Lynda Kerfoot in memory of Paul Kerfoot

Nancy Kiaer in memory of Rolf Kiaer

Nancy Kiaer in memory of Christina Myles

Nancy Kiaer in memory of Chris Kiaer

Nancy Kiaer in memory of Robert Myles

Nancy Kiaer in memory of Annie Kiaer

Rolf Kindbom

Ann Kirk in memory of Michael W Kirk

Janice Kitto in memory of William Adams

Bonnie Klaassen in memory of Henry Klaassen

Renate Klietsch

Elly Klingenberg

Penny & Ray Knight in memory of Jillian Zumach

Sunny Knowles

Knox United Church, Caledon Village Pastoral Charge

Pat & Fred Kolb in memory of Hugh, Paul, Neil, Evelyn,
Donna and Gord

Romas Krilavicius

Kevin Laderoute in memory of Louise Spagnol

Carol Lahey in memory of Gail Hiscock

Ina Laing in memory of Nancy (Annie) Wyllie

Gordon Lais in memory of Liane Lais

Robert & Betty Joan Large in memory of Vic & Jean,
Gord & Madeline and Roy

Mary Louise & Roger Learn in memory of Mark Learn

Gerald Lee

Anne Marie Lees

Natalie Leitch

Hilda Lenstra

Betty Leonard In memory of my husband, William Leonard

Michael Leonardelli in memory of Lucy Leonardelli

Joel Levine in memory of Harry Levine

Janice Lewin

Audrey Lewis

Kathy Lewis in memory of Shari Durkin

Jane Lindsay in memory of Gerry Lindsay

Matthew & Gini Lindsay in memory of Gerry Lindsay

Barry & Diane Livingston

Stephanie Lockhart

Chris, John & Jake Lockyer in memory of Tom Lockyer

Donna Marie Logan in memory of Sharron Sulston

Nida Lotaquan in memory of Mou Lo

Linda Low in memory of Barbara Levick

Nicole Lowden in memory of Dale Haslam

Irene & Ross Lowrey in memory of Laurie Torikian

Gino & Anna Lucchese in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Ken Lund

Fay Lynch in memory of Florence Felix

Joanne MacDonald

Eve MacDougall in memory of Lorna Bethell & Hartland MacDougall

Dani Mackey in memory of Kyaw Than

Beverly & Charles Maclean

Marian MacFarlane in memory of Lorna Bethell

Carol MacMurchy

Gail MacNaughton

Surekha Majithia in memory of Kokila Aundhia

Chris & Linda Malcolm

Heather Manuel in memory of Maureen Grant

The Maple’s Womens Institute

Douglas Marfleet in memory of Michael Gallagher

Donald & Anne Marion in memory of Bob Winslow & Don Woods

Brian & Diana Martin

Carl Martin

Louise Martin

Ron Martin in memory of Lillian Martin

Helen Mason in memory of John Mason,
May Felix & Jean Mellows

Helen Mason in memory of my parents, Margaret & Jim Paterson

John Mason in honour of Helen Mason

Leo & Barbara Masse in memory of James Adams

Larry & Valda May

Daniel Mcarthur honouring Alan Cunnington

Brian & Mary Pat McBride in memory of Nellie McBride

Marilyn & David McBride in memory of Viola Early

Theresa McCausland in memory of Salvatore Cutrara,
Bette Cutrara,

Glen Robinson & Toni McLean

Tania McClintock in memory of Enno (Ed) Varkel

John McCracken

Mary McCrossan in memory of Ann Skilton

Phillip McEnaney in memory of Dee (Deirdre) McEnaney

Kathleen McGregor in memory of Dennis McNamara

Mary McGuckin in memory of Anne Sharples & Margaret Jobling

Barbara McKee & Mark Nantais

Diane McKenzie in memory of Liz Dobbs-Jones

Shannon McKenzie in memory of Debbie Ann Sullivan

Barbara McKittrick in memory of Manuel Reis

Lorna McLean in memory of Helen Torrance

Mary McLean in memory of Helen Torrance

Graham McLeod in memory of Patricia McLeod

Leah & Scot McLeod in memory of Lorraine Carwardine

Ian & Judy McMartin in memory of Ryan McMartin

Casey McNamara in memory of Dennis McNamara

Rose McNamara in memory of Dennis McNamara

Deanndra McNeil-White in memory of Mark McNeil

The Medland Family in memory of Jack Wood

Mary Medland in memory of Leonard Medland, Richard Adamson & Joy Messenger

Gerhard & Suzanne Meinzer

Irene Mellon in memory of Raymond Mellon

Marla Mellon & Wade Brohm in memory of Raymond Mellon

Loretta Meltz in memory of Bill Reaman

Richard Menartowicz in memory of Harold Carter

Chris & Gerry Merkley in memory of Alfred & Doreen Raffa

Renaté Merton & Ben Reis in memory of Manuel Reis

James Metson

Lazo Mikijelj

Allan Millard in memory of Donna Millard

Christopher Miller in memory of Sally Miller

David Mills

Linda & Stan Miniota in memory of Zoe Anne Murray

Linda & Stan Miniota in memory of Lorna Bethell

Linda & Stan Miniota in memory of Hart MacDougall

Saori Mitchell in memory of Hatsue Tanaka

Vincenzo & Emilia Monaco in memory of
Frank Argiro & Benito Pelosi

Marisa Montanari

Marie Montero in memory of Mike Rescorl

Elaine Moore in memory of Vaughn Geldart

Michael & Cheryl Moore in memory of Allan Chard

Patricia Moran

Gilbert Moreau in memory of
Betty Anne Moreau & Bernard Robitaille

Deolinda Moscatel in memory of Jose G. Ferreira-Moscatel

John Mould in memory of Gladys Mould

Dalia & Joaquim Moura in memory of George Ferreira

Ralph Mulder

Marg Munro

Margaretha Murrell

Pushpinder Natt in memory of Shaminder Pannu

Thomas Neild

Dale Neilly in memory of Pamela Neilly

Paul Nelligan

Sharon Nelson in memory of Janet Mickalow & Lynda Penney

Winston Nelson in memory of Hugh Beck

Peter Neumann

Cathy & George Newhouse

Mary Newhouse in memory of John & Georgina Newhouse

Ron Nicksy

Michelle Niro in memory of Michael Birmingham

Joachim Noetzel in memory of my mom, Ursula Schulze

Russell & Lynne Norman in memory of Ralph Sugg

Russell & Lynne Norman in memory of Pamela Neilly

Russell & Lynne Norman in memory of John & Sylvia Norman

Jackie Norris in memory of Marlene Grace Norris

Cheryl Nuosci in honour of Dennis Summers

Joan O’Connell in memory of Glenn Collins

Carole O’Connell in memory of Michael O’Connell

William O’Hara

Lori & Paul O’Hara-Hoke in memory of Amelia Canning,
Abby Fedosoff & Grant Denison

Marie O’Hearn

Sharon O’Keefe in memory of Myriam Zagar

Alexandra Ogilvie in memory of Michelin Morton

Sharon Olesen & John Varnell

Nadia & Giancarlo Ongaro in memory of
Maria Santa Cianciusi & MaryLou Bacci

Joe & Maria Oosterhof in memory of Peter Van Harmelen

Kamelita Ori in memory of John Seepersaud

Sheila & James Orton in memory of Kelly MacKinnon

Kristan Osborne in honour of Gina Osborne

Margaret Paan in memory of Eileen Dahl

Tracey & Rui Paiva in memory of Joan Martin

Sharon Panacci in memory of Marge Grebski

Eleanor Pardoe in memory of Clifford Pardoe Jr.

Bernice Parish in memory of Gordon Parish

Robert Parkins

Peter Parkinson

Cynthia Parmanand in memory of Tamara Parmanand Farstad

Barkha Patel in memory of Pravin K Patel

Slavica Paton in memory of Vita Kavedzic

Robert & Dinali Paul in memory of Minoli Paul

Joan Pearce in memory of Betty Potter

Peel Auto Centre

Brian Perras in memory of Ralph Perras

Paula Pestell in memory of Bob & Carolyn Sanderson

Wendy Peyer in memory of Sally Williams

Walter Phenix in memory of Hanaa Phenix

Mary Pickles

Carman & Olive Piercey in memory of Gisella Attanasio

Bob Pillar

Ken & Diana Pilson in memory of Brenda Rose Fletcher

John & Ann Pingyin in memory of Anne Pingyin

Ward Pitfield

Beverley Poersch in memory of Alma Laidlaw

Marie & Bob Pointer in memory of Fred Twitchin

Sharon Pollard in memory of Richard Alan Pollard

Lynette & Matthew Polsinelli in memory of Aldo Polsinelli

Fernando Pontes in memory of Maria Pontes

Elizabeth & Martin Potterton

Leny, Roxanne, Barry & Family in memory of
Jan Wilson & Les Wilson

Gwen & Bob Presant

Linda Prestaya in memory of Michael Prestaya

Aaron Puddicomb

Brian Pulis in memory of Denart Medeiros

Christopher Pulley

Helen Quackenbush in memory of Helen Whyte

Karen & Sandy Racanelli

Andzelka Radic in memory of Roberto & Incoronata Callo

Geraldine Rafter in memory of Brian Swatuk

Jean Ramdial in memory of Budhram Ramdial

Tara Rampersaud in memory of Sheila Singh

Sirojanee & Ashok Ramsingh in memory of
Sharda Anju Ollesch-Ramsingh

Chris & Tony Randle in memory of Doug Johnson

Dorothy & Peter Rankin in memory of Dorothy Walsh

Realpoint Management Limited

Frank Reda

Lillian Reed

Fatima Rego in memory of Aristides Rego

Vanda Rego in memory of Jose A. Baptista

Laura Reilly

Maria Reis

Carolyn & Harold Reiter in memory of Elizabeth M Smits

Reg Rennick

Jen Renshaw in memory of Russell (Bud) Renshaw

Uli Rentsch

Bruce Reynolds & Karla Galbraith-Reynolds

Americo Ricci in memory of Vicki Ricci

Lindsey Rich in memory of Dave Nixon

John Richardson in memory of Diane Richardson

John & Penny Richardson

Steven & Leith Parish Rigby in memory of David McLaughlin

Steven & Leith Parish Rigby in memory of John Tye Rigby

Steven & Leith Parish Rigby in memory of Gordon Parish

Ronald Riley

Jackie Rinaldi in memory of Nancy (Annie) Wyllie

James Robb in memory of Nova Robb

John & Kim Robinson in memory of Margaret Gilder

Rock Garden Farms

Paula & Tony Rodrigues in memory of George Ferreira

Jennifer Rogers

Ron Martin’s Welding in memory of Lillian Martin

Joan Rooke in memory of Michael & Jim Rooke
and Sharon Hatton

David Roth & Ginny Yule

Shirley Rottare in memory of Maxine Walkes

Shirley Rowan in memory of Kevin C. Rowan

Nancy Rowland in memory of Frank & Ev Sheppard

Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary 233

Royal Oak Orange Lodge #256

Janet & Frank Russell in memory of Maureen Scobie

James Harvey Rutter in memory of Barbara Rutter

Ryles Inc. in memory of Paula A. Nichol

Suzanne Sanchez in memory of Melba Delgado

Howard Sanderson in memory of Mary Wright

John Sanderson in memory of
Lucas Sanderson-Downing & Sheila Young

Eugene & Franca Saraceno in memory of Frank Argiro

Brian & Christine Sargeson

Shehara & Jeremy Sato in memory of my mother, Minoli Paul

Diogenis Savvidis in memory of Athanasios Tony Savvidis

Linda Sawden

David Schembri in memory of Jean Woods

Anita Schenk in memory of Frank & Sylvia Schenk

Anita Schenk in memory of Dave Craughwell

Glen Schnarr

Herb & Cheryl Schulze in memory of Ursula Schulze

John & Shelley Scriver

Yvette Sebastian in memory of Leonard Sebastian

Wilfred Seli in memory of Grace Seli & Jim Collie

Nelia & Paul Senra in memory of Maria Pontes

Setir Holdings Inc.

Debra Shaddock in memory of Anne Kennedy,
Jake Haines & Pam Neilly

F. & D. Shelton in memory of Lisa MacAdam

Anthony Shields in memory of Marlene Shields

Sabrina Shirinian in memory of George Shirinian

Alyson Shoss in memory of Allan Chard

Debbi Silverberg in memory of Lawrie Silverberg

Edward Simmonds

Joan Simpson

Gagandeep Singh

Nalinie Singh in memory of Richard Singh

Sham Singh in memory of Sheila Singh

Vinoba Singh in memory of Sheila Singh

Sandra Sissons in memory of Margaret Taylor

Carmen & Carole Sisto

Cynthia & Stephen Skilling in memory of Pat Scarfo

Richard Skinner in memory of John David, Zigfried,
Mavis, Barbara, Michelin & Paula

Michelle Skorupa in memory of Margaret & Marcelle Skorupa

Carolin Smart in memory of Chris Kent

Ann Smith in memory of Mary Lee Greenfield

Anna Smith in memory of Jackie Smith

Ken & Ruth Smith

Marlyn Smith in memory of Joseph Anthony Massey

Maurice & Jo-Anne Smith in memory of
Joanne, Barbara, John, Paul & Bruce

Shawn Smith in memory of Jacqueline Elizabeth Smith

Cheryl Smits in memory of Elizabeth Margaret Smits

Trevor Smyth in memory of Annalisa Smyth

Mary Smythe in memory of Susan Morfitt,
Christine Byrne Martin, Evelyn Jones,
John Byrne & Pamela Neilly

David Snell

Lisa Speirs in memory of Brad Speirs

Edward Spence in memory of Gordon W Spence

Judy Sperry in memory of Victor Charles Sullivan

Edward & Marion Standish in memory of
David Standish & Jackie Bailey

Jan Stapleton

Katherine Starr

Mike & Betty Starr

Sandra & Robert Starr in memory of Vera Mayes

Natalie Stasko

Mary Steed in memory of Inez Moore, Edith Dangel,
Thelma Westlake, Etheleen Martin, Kevin Steed, Marianne Page,
Doug Minard, and my parents, Harold & Mary Shaw

Karen Steen in memory of Barclay Edward Steen

Victor P. & Joanne U. Stevens

Ian Stevenson in memory of Diane Stevenson

Bruce Stewart

John C. Stewart in memory of Liz Stewart

Tammy Stewart in memory of Helen Marie Dew

David & Linda Stiller in memory of Trudy Bauman

Elizabeth Stone

Kelly Stronach in memory of Mary Phillips

Don Strongitharm in memory of Theresa Heal

Diane Sullivan in memory of Victor Sullivan

Judi & Terry Sullivan

Marlene & Jim Sullivan in memory of Debbie Sullivan

Pat & Bill Sulston in memory of Janie Chant Coak & Jake Haines

Jason & Cherrie Swann in memory of Ronald Swann

Robert Swatuk

Leo & Ella Sweetnam

Ed Sykes in memory of Jessie Sykes

Edna & Reg Tansony in memory of Judy Johnson

The Taylor Group in memory of Harry MacDonald

Arthur & Marion Taylor

Muriel Taylor

Nancy P Taylor in memory of Pat Aucoin

Tony Taylor

Fanny Tesch

John Tesluk in memory of Joyce Tesluk

Thomas Carberry Insurance Ltd.

Debra Thomas in memory of Debra Bundy-Klatt

Allan & Anne Thompson in memory of Heather Ann Thompson

Joe Thompson

Lloyd & Margaret Thompson in memory of Einar Clausen

Margo Thompson in memory of Sandra Castator

Marie & Peter Thompson in memory of Norma Smallbone

Jacquie Thomson in memory of Ronald Green

Susan Tiffin in memory of my dear sister, Darlene Johnston

Robert & Gail Tiller in memory of Jean Moorhead

Scott Tilley in memory of Edith Meservier

Joe & Adalgisa Tirone in memory of Olga Carolina Bevacqua

Paul & Lynn Tiveron in memory of Joseph D. Tiveron

John Torrance in memory of Helen Torrance

Kathy Tost in memory of Earl (Dale) Tost

Linda & Ken Trilesky

Trinity United Church Women

Maggie Tumilty in memory of Tom Tumilty

Sharon Turnbull-Schmitt

Andrew & Christina Turner

Donna Turner

Kendra Turner in memory of Jean McNiven

Terry Twitchin in memory of Fred Twitchin

Upsilon Alpha Master Chapter in memory of
Kathy Kirkpatrick & Laura Cockerham

Mildred Vajda in memory of Gustav Vajda

Roxanne, Summer, Guy & Kyle Van Berkel in memory of
Brian Swatuk

Liam Van Camp in memory of my mother, Robynne Sheryl Hunt

Cesarina & Paul Van Gerven in memory of Ralph Sugg

Dick & Margaret Van Vliet

Jerry & Barbara Van Vliet in memory of
John & Margaret Spivey & Gerry Van Vliet, Sr.

Cody remembering a very special papa, Lorne Van Wyck

Jeannette Vanden Heuvel

Brenda Vandenberg in memory of Winnifred Dawson

C.R. Vanderburgh in memory of Jane Castel-Vanderburgh

Arnold & Cheryl Vandermeer in memory of Anne DeZoeten

Mary Venusio & Salvatore Ilardo in memory of Sandra Venusio

Mark Verschoote honouring Donald Thompson

Maya Vieira in memory of Desmond Vieira

Janet & Uldis Vimba in memory of Catherine Flynn

Gary & Pat Vipond in memory of Gerry Lindsay & Douglas Cohen

Lynda Voegtle in memory of John Voegtle

Marilyn Wake in memory of Reginald Wake

Bob & Heather Waldon

Rosemary Walkem in memory of Marilynn Moakler

Rosemary Walkem in memory of Michael Boutilier

Rosemary Walkem in memory of Val Walkem

Carol D. Walker in memory of
Jim Walker and Jean & Jack Ostrowski

Norbert Warnke

Ruth Watson in memory of Malcolm Watson,
Doug Johnston & many more

Lisa Watts in memory of Ronnie Watt

Wolfgang & Pamela Weddig in memory of my Dearest Friend,
Gail Hiscock

Sandra Wells in memory of Barb Wright

Lyn Westfall-Tramble in memory of James Tramble

John Wheelwright

Shirley White in memory of Mervyn White

Joan Whittle in memory of Beryl Finlay

Barbara Wicks

Ken & Judy Wilde in memory of John Frederick Wilde

Heather Wilken in memory of Jemima Nan Brans

Nancy Wilkes in memory of Susan Wilkes

Grace Wilkinson

Audrey Wille

Katharine Williams

Brian & Betty Wilmot in memory of Eric Richard Scott

Gloria Wilson in memory of John David Wilson

Walter Wiza & Deborah Egan in memory of Irma Wiza

Anne & Bill Wood in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Bill & Karen Woodwark in memory of MaryLou Bacci

Bill & Karen Woodwark in memory of Mitsuye Woodwark

Jacqueline Woodwark in memory of Cornelis Stehouwer

Mike Worth in memory of Augusto Meira Enes

Margaret Wyton in memory of Kenneth Wyton

Rozika Zupanec in memory of Paul Janza

Jerry & Gayle Zwilling in memory of Hank Lenstra

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